What Our Guests Say
A few messages from our guests…
I have made several trips to Africa with Carol and I couldn’t begin to describe all the spectacular moments I’ve had: amazing animal sightings, beautiful African sunsets, learning and living the culture of the countries we’ve visited and meeting the loveliest people, but what stands out for me on all the trips has been Carol’s love for Africa and its people. It is so wonderful to see her interactions with her guides, the staff at all the lodges and tent camps where we’ve stayed and the teachers and students in the schools we’ve visited. The love and respect is mutual – those who have met Carol before are so excited to see her again. It’s so much fun to arrive at a lodge and see all the staff waiting to greet her, then, when it’s time to leave, her tradition of a special presentation to them all. In turn, they always have special treats for her (and her guests) in the form of singing, dancing – and cake!! To me, if you haven’t been to Africa with Carol, you haven’t really been to Africa! Diane
Nature Encounter Tours and Travels provided us with a well organized and personalized experience. Carol’s expertise and passion for the area, local people and wildlife gave us an amazing adventure to Rwanda (led by Mona) and Kenya. She knows the guides and accommodation staff very well to ensure everything went smoothly and she surprised us with some unique experiences along the way. We highly recommend taking “a trip to remember” with Nature Encounter Tours and Travels. Barb & Scott
“We would like to advise that Auram Safaris and Leopard Tours did an amazing job of looking after us while we were in Tanzania, a special thanks to Luigi and his team for looking after us with such respect and consideration, the head guide Idris and the assistant guide CP, the chef and his amazing meals to the waiter and all the porters made it possible for us to make it to the top. It would be selfish for us to let it go without giving them our warmest thanks, through you letting them that they were directly responsible for our summit success. And last but definitely not least we would like to thank you for putting together the most amazing holiday of a life time.” L&R
“We just got to Maasai Mara yesterday and Samson had us out in the afternoon for a game drive. It was honestly one of the most amazing days of my life and doing this with my girls is forming a beautiful bond between us. I will never forget their smiles. Thanks for everything. This has been a dream come true!“
“Just a quick note to let you know I arrived safely and with all my bags back home. After many hours of travel I’m a little bit wobly but wanted to thank you for such an amazing time. I didn’t really begin to comprehend the true impact on me until I started to cry somewhere over Africa last night. I never cry so the experience has obviously touched a part of me that I’d never experienced before.”
“I love taking pictures and tried to capture as much of the experience as I could. Of course, I set my camera aside often .. and “just” enjoyed the experience with my binoculars. The whole experience was as wonderful as I could have hoped. You did such an awesome job – I really don’t know how to thank you enough.“
“I am home in body only; mind still somewhere between Amboseli and the Serengeti. Wow, the sights and sounds of Africa! It was an amazing trip shared with good people. Thank you”
“Our tour leader was very organized to the last detail. They were extremely knowledgable about every aspect of the safari experience – the animals, the locals the country and much more. I could go on and on but am running out of paper!“
“You took such good care of us. We felt your touch in the day room. It was quite a shock to the system to actually have to pay attention to what we had to do and where we had to go. Every time I think of our safari adventure, the biggest smile comes on my face!“
“Every time I hear a plane overhead, I wish my trip was starting again….“
“We made it home okay and cannot stop talking to anyone who will listen about our trip, including the produce guy in Safeway yesterday. So many memorable experiences we cannot thank you enough. “